Unlock the Power of Blogging for Business

Discover how to create engaging blog content that drives visibility and growth

Small businesses rely on low-cost marketing to get found, build a brand and generate leads and sales. You don't have a big budget for advertising, and hiring an agency is out of the question. Perhaps you've heard that blogging is a free way to drive more traffic to your website? Blogging for small businesses can be a fantastic, free way to get your small business found online, and it doesn't need to be complicated. Through my online small business marketing course, I will teach you how to plan, write and optimise blog content for your website, which can be shared and repurposed across your wider marketing strategy. Plus, I will teach you how to use blogging as part of an SEO strategy to help you drive more free traffic to your website from search engines like Google.

Blogging for Small Business Trailer Video

Click the play button above to find out more about this small business marketing course and meet your instructor.

How Can Blogging Help My Small Business?

Blogging is a major component of SEO (search engine optimisation), which is what helps websites get discovered in Google Search. By investing time and effort into blogging, you can drive more, high-intent traffic to your website. Ultimately, this helps to generate more visibility, build trust and drive sales.

  • Your knowledge, experience and insights are unique and valuable. Sharing this is key to building awareness, trust, loyalty and sales.

  • Most small businesses can utilise blogging, including local service providers, e-commerce stores and freelancers.

  • Blogging requires time and effort, but it is a free marketing channel that will continue to work for your business for months and years to come.

Blogging is For Your Business If...

  • You're Introverted

    Lives, video and podcasts not your natural habitat? Do you find social media overwhelming? Me too! Investing time and effort into building your website's blog section can help you drive awareness, traffic and sales over the long-term, without having to constantly put yourself out there.

  • You're on a Budget

    Paid ads can work really well for many small businesses, but they are expensive. Plus, as soon as you turn the tap off, the traffic and sales grind to a halt. Blogging can help you to reduce your reliance on paid advertising, and you don't need an agency to manage it for you.

  • You Have 1 Hour a Week

    Blogging is a cost-effective way to market your business, but it does require time and effort in order to work. If you have one hour a week to invest in the long-term growth of your business, then blogging is a great use of that time.

Course Curriculum

This course is designed to take you from a blogging beginner to publishing your first blog article. Enrol now and receive lifetime access, including future course updates, bonuses and add-ons. I am constantly updating and improving this course, and by enrolling today you will receive access to all future updates at no extra cost.

    1. Introduction & Welcome to "Blogging for Small Business"!

    2. What Are SEO and Blogging and How Do They Help Generate Sales?

    3. Google Search and How it Works

    1. Choosing Your Blog Topic

    2. How to Do Keyword Research

    3. How to Structure Your Blog Article

    1. How to Write Your Blog Article Sections: Part A

    2. How to Write Your Sections B (Using Chat GPT 3.5)

    3. Write Your Introduction

    4. Write Your Conclusion

    1. Optimising Your Blog Article for Keywords

    2. Adding Links to Your Blog Article

    3. Writing Your SEO Titles & Descriptions

    1. Repurposing Your Blog Article

    1. How to Create Your Blog Strategy

About this course

  • £47.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Blogging for Small Business | Your Instructor

Rhiannon Harradine

SEO Consultant

Rhiannon is a freelance marketing consultant specialising in SEO for equine and e-commerce businesses. She has nearly five years' experience in helping small businesses get found in Google Search and has worked with a range of WordPress, Wix and Shopify websites over the years. Rhiannon believes that many small businesses are missing out because they are not fully taking advantage of SEO as a tool for building visibility, trust and sales. She believes that you do not need to be especially "techy" to take advantage of what SEO has to offer, and that in many cases the small business owner really is the best person to promote their products or services. Rhiannon is currently taking a break from riding to focus on growing the business, but in her spare time she enjoys spending time outdoors, going for walks and caring for her expanding collection of houseplants. "I am on a mission to help introverted, small business owners like myself grow online by transforming their website into a consistent source of sales. I want to help small business owners unlock the potential of SEO to drive long-term business success at an affordable investment"

Not Sure? Start With My Blog Article Templates!

If you're not quite ready to dive straight into my online course, why not start by downloading my blog article templates? Created especially for small businesses, these 5 templates help you get started with writing hundreds of unique blog articles!

Invest in Visibility and Growth for Your Small Business

Imagine where you could take your small business in three, six or twelve months' time if you start building your blog content and online visibility today.